Monday, August 13, 2007


I have found that the 23 things is very valuable to me. I have tapped into new resources that I can pass on to patrons at the library. Recently, a patron came in on an exceptionally hot day, and she was stressed. As we worked to get her up and running on the internet she told me she was here because her 'word' was not compatible with her sisters 'word' and she had to submit something immediately. Therefore, she had to leave her home to use our computers. It was then that I recommended and Zoho for her and hers in the future so this won't happen again. A similar incident occurred right here in our library when someone was sending the minutes and her system was not compatible. Think of the time savings and no back up discs to carry around. Anyway, a week ago or so I didn't even know about this technology either.... Ah, a happy librarian and something useful I could pass on.


PiratePrincess said...

Hooray, we're finished! :-D

Gail Griffith said...

Wow! How great that you had an immediate application for what you learned. That is the best!! And...I have enjoyed reading your blog.

PiratePrincess said...

Did you get your mp3 player yet?

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